I was telling my mom the other day that I finally feel as if things are getting back on track for me. It's like all of the sudden I have a normal life, only my "normal" is not normal at all, and I am so very very thankful for that! I guess what I am trying to say is that things are happening for me again.
"What things?" You might ask. Well, I'll tell you. I am so very excited to say that I have another missions trip in the works! And, actually, I feel a little panic coming on because it's a very SOON trip! September 26th through October 10th I will be in Africa!! Shall we walk down memory lane? Oh, I say let's.
I went to Uganda back in 2009 and I think I truly fell in love with missions for the first time. I'd been to Pueblo, Mexico with my youth group when I was in high school, and while I was very impacted by that trip, I don't think I really understood the implications for my life. Africa was different. From beginning to end, my experiences on that trip changed everything. My worldview, my goals, my dreams, my relationships, my faith, my confidence, even my personal style...everything was turned upside down, shaken around a little, and then transformed. Since then, I can't get enough of missions. I admit, some of my trips have been hard. So hard, that while in the middle of them all I wanted was to quit and come home, but I thank God for even those "horrible" experiences. I know that God has placed missions in my heart. Nothing in my life has ever compared to serving God on the mission field. I love it and I feel so tremendously blessed that God allows me to serve Him in this way.
This next trip I am going on will be to Kenya and Uganda through a organization called Remember the Poor, and it will be led by my dear friends The Thieles. Can I just say again, I am so excited!! Yet, reality is also kicking in as I look at the calender and think about everything I need to get done. I have less then a month to do all my fundraising (I need about $3,000, YIKES!!), Then throw in two jobs (just started a second one today), a baby-shower (not for me, of course), a trip to Tennessee (hopefully!) and training seminar (if there are still spots left) all in the next two months!!
Yes, life is getting back to normal, and I like it. I really like it.
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